I would make a very simple VBScript file and call it using CScript to parse the command line parameters.
Something like the following saved in MessageBox.vbs
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
messageText = objArgs(0)
MsgBox messageText
Which you would call like:
cscript MessageBox.vbs "This will be shown in a popup."
reference if you are interested in going this route.
First of all, DOS has nothing to do with it, you probably want a Windows command line solution (again: no DOS, pure Windows, just not a Window, but a Console).
You can either use the VBScript method provided by boflynn or you can mis-use net send
or msg
net send localhost Some message to display
for old versions of Windows. This does depend on the Messenger service to run, though.
msg "%username%" Some message to display
for newer versions (XP and onward, apparently).
It should be noted that a message box sent using msg.exe
will only last for 60 seconds. This can however be overridden with the /time:xx
Note that on newer systems (at least Windows 10) msg
no longer works.
This will pop-up another Command Prompt window:
START CMD /C "ECHO My Popup Message && PAUSE"
Try :
Msg * "insert your message here"
If you are using Windows XP's command.com, this will open a message box.
Opening a new cmd window isn't quite what you were asking for, I gather. You could also use VBScript, and use this with your .bat file. You would open it from the bat file with this command:
cd C:\"location of vbscript"
What this does is change the directory command.com will search for files from, then on the next line:
"insert name of your vbscript here".vbs
Then you create a new Notepad document, type in
<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox "your text here"
You would then save this as a .vbs file (by putting ".vbs" at the end of the filename), save as "All Files" in the drop down box below the file name (so it doesn't save as .txt), then click Save!
This way your batch file will create a VBS script and show a popup. After it runs, the batch file will delete that intermediate file.
The advantage of using MSGBOX is that it is really customaziable (change the title, the icon etc) while MSG.exe isn't as much.
echo MSGBOX "YOUR MESSAGE" > %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
call %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
del %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs /f /q
Msg * "insert your message here"
works fine, just save as a .bat file in notepad or make sure the format is set to "all files"
echo X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") >msg.vbs
you can write any numbers from 0,1,2,3,4 instead of 0 (before the ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:
0 = Ok Button
1 = Ok/Cancel Button
2 = Abort/Retry/Ignore button
3 = Yes/No/Cancel
4 = Yes/No
–you can write any numbers from 16,32,48,64 instead of 16 (after the ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:
16 Critical Icon
32 Warning Icon
48 Warning Message Icon
64 Information Icon
msg * /server: Type your message here
This application can do that, if you convert (wrap) your batch files into executable files.
Simple Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Title Text
Error Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Error "Error message" 16
Cancel Try Again Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Title "Try again or Cancel" 5
4) "Never ask me again" Messagebox
%extd% /messageboxcheck Title Message 0 {73E8105A-7AD2-4335-B694-94F837A38E79}
You can invoke dll function from user32.dll i think Something like
Rundll32.exe user32.dll, MessageBox (0, "text", "titleText", {extra flags for like topmost messagebox e.t.c})
Typing it from my Phone, don't judge me... otherwise i would link the extra flags.
msg * /time:0 /w Hello everybody!
This message waits forever until OK is clicked (it lasts only one minute by default) and works fine in Windows 8.1